Lip Blush Services | Lip Blush Tucson | Lip Blush Arizona


Lip Blushing is a form of cosmetic tattooing using a device/tattoo machine and different types of needle configurations to implant pigment beneath the skin. This technique adds a blushing or tinting effect to the color to the lips, resulting in a fuller look. We select and mix a color that is matched and suitable to each clients skin tone and existing natural lip. 

It also has the potential to neutralize discolored and dark lips to soften the all over appearance of the lips.

*any form of lip neutralization will need to schedule a consult prior to booking. 

  • •If you have ever had a cold sore, been prone to any type of cold sores (herpes simplex virus) or you may have the herpes simplex virus that lies dormant in your system, this procedure could cause an outbreak. It is best to consult with your doctor and upon your doctor’s recommendation, take doctor-prescribed medication such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, or Valtrex before and after the lip procedure to help prevent or lessen the severity of an outbreak.

  • •You are a smoker (pigment may not retain properly, colors may distort

    •If you have a history of MRSA

    •You have psoriasis in the treatment area.

    •You have an auto-immune disease.

    •You have thyroid/graves disease (medication may cause pigment to not retain properly)

    •You have anemia (pigment may not retain properly)

    •You have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring

    •You are currently undergoing chemotherapy

    •You are pregnant or nursing

    •You have Diabetes type 1 or 2 (due to slow healing and infection, color may or may not retain well)

    •If you are under a doctor’s care and have questions at ALL about being able to have this procedure, it is your responsibility to meet with your doctor and get written approval.

    •If you are prone to cold sores, please see instructions below.

  • •Keep your lips well hydrated with a good lip balm

    •Discontinue any vitamin A skin care products (Retin-A, retinols) close to the enhancement area at least two weeks prior to your procedure

    •No laser or electrolysis on or around the treatment area one week prior to procedure

    •No Botox or fillers in the procedure area less than one week prior

    •Discontinue use of AHA (chemical exfoliation) skin care products close to the area to be tattooed at least one week prior to your procedure

  • •Use a gentle lip scrub to smooth lip surface day before, do not use the scrub day of

    •Avoid Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen

    •Avoid fish oils, DHA supplements, cayenne supplements, turmeric, vitamin e, niacin (or anything that can cause blood thinning)

    •Avoid marijuana and smoking

    • No alcohol 24 hours prior to appointment

    • No caffeine the morning of procedure


    • Be sure to sign your waiver and consent form prior to your appointment

    • Feel free to bring headphones to listen to your favorite podcast or music during procedure

    • Please be on time to your appointment

    • Please plan to be in session for 2-2 1/2 hours


Second Session $100


  • All cancellations and reschedules must be made within 48 hours notice to avoid a $35 rebooking fee.

  • Booking deposits are collected for every service and are NOT refundable by Bon Beauté.

  • All Bon Beauté artists are Independent Contractors. For any questions or concerns regarding your appointment, please contact your artist directly.

  • Some artists may require a “silent” appointment after consulting in order to magnify their artistic offerings. You are encouraged to bring headphones to your appointment to listen to music or your favorite podcast.

  • All clients are expected to appropriately prepare for their appointment for an enhanced experience and avoid rebooking. Check out our FAQs and Bon Beaute policies before booking

Questions About Lip Blush?

Read About the Lip Blush Healing Process and What to Expect


