Nano Brow Service, Nano Strokes, Nano Brow Tucson, Nano Brow Arizona


Nano brows are created using a device/tattoo machine and a single needle to mimic the look of realistic hair strokes by implanting pigment beneath the skin. This technique can help to add density and richness and create a realistic hair pattern that adds realism and flow to any eyebrow. This service is a great option for those who have oily or mature skin and can oftentimes be used to color-correct or cover up previous brow work.


Bon Beautes conscious artist approach is to utilize 2 appointments (separated by 8-10 weeks apart) in order to safely and creatively build the permanent makeup in a way that is gentle to the clients experience, and maintains the integrity of the skin.

This method allows us to study each clients skin type and responses to the procedure to a meticulous degree, allowing us to shift and personalize our work specifically for each clients outcome and experience.

The process typically starts with a consultation to discuss your desired brow shape, color, and overall look. 2 The artist will use a mapping technique to outline the perfect brow shape that complements your facial features, and achieve visual harmony

  • Currently using Accutane *(Must be off treatment for 1 year)

    • Currently on antibiotics

    • Currently on blood thinners

    • Currently Pregnant or Nursing

  • • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    • Undergoing Chemotherapy

    • Hemophilia

    • Heart Condition

    • Blood transmitted disease such as HIV and Hepatitis

    • Autoimmune Disease *(Requires doctor consent)

    • Diabetic *(Requires doctor consent)

    • Trichotillomania Diagnosis *(Requires consultation)

  • • Botox should be done 2-4 weeks prior to procedure

    • Stop heavy exfoliation for 2 weeks.

    • Avoid skin treatments, chemical peels, micro-needling, facials or brow laminations at least 4 weeks prior to your Microblading appointment

    • Stop the use of retin-a/retinol products 2 weeks prior to appointment.

    • Stop tanning 2-3 weeks before your appointment

    • Stop tinting or brow grooming 2 days prior to appointment

  • • No alcohol 24 hours prior to appointment

    • No caffeine the morning of procedure


    • Plan to book a 6-8 week touch up after initial appointment

    • Be sure to sign your waiver and consent form prior to your appointment

    • Feel free to bring headphones to listen to your favorite podcast or music during procedure

    • Please be on time to your appointment

    • Please plan to be in session for 2 1/2 -3hrs


Additional pricing includes:

Second Session: $150

Annual refresher: From $350


  • Bon Beaute offers tiered pricing to support a conscious culture and environment that supports the integration of all stages of the artist journey. Carefully review all pricing options, and choose the artist that fits your personal needs.

  • Your second session must be done between 2-6 months, and recommended to book before leaving your first appointment.

  • Refreshers are recommended every 16-36 months to maintain shape, color and richness. Bon Beaute requests your brow work be 40-60% faded before booking an annual touch up to maintain the integrity of the art and minimize pigment build up over time

  • If you exceed 3 years before an annual touch up, or your pigment retention is close to 100% faded since your previous appointment, a new service may be required at full price.

  • All cancellations and reschedules must be made within 48 hours notice to avoid a $35 rebooking fee.

  • Booking deposits are collected for every service and NOT refundable

  • Some artist may require a “silent” appointment after consulting in order to magnify their artistic offerings. You are encouraged to bring headphones to your appointment to listen to music or your favorite podcast.

  • All clients are expected to appropriately prepare for their appointment for an enhanced experience and avoid rebooking. Check out our FAQs and Bon Beaute policies before booking.

Questions About Nano Brows?

Read About the Nano Healing Process and What to Expect


